All Universal Basic Incomes (UBIs) Platforms are Decentralize Autonomous Organization (DAO).

All DAOs are bodies that give out Crypto Coins/Tokens freely as daily/monthly salaries. Some of these UBIs Coin/Token are automatically dropping into your designed wallets daily, weekly and monthly or through claiming ones in 24hours or ones in a month.

 Below is the list of some UBI-DAO and there link to register. But to every DAO Operation, there is target to reach or I can call it a milestone to reach.

1.     Inksnation DAO:


Inksnation gives out Monthly Salary in Pinkoin (PKN) to all its members. After registration, you don’t need to claim, it will start dropping automatically into your wallet every month.


2.     Tavecchia Coin Bank of Me:


Tavecchiacoin (TAV) is the name of the coin they are giving out on a daily bases. You have to complete 24hours circle between every successful claim.

Use this as registration code after download from play store or apple store.

CODE: Jsz8tKwV1

This TAV Coin has a great future ahead, so make use  of this advantage and claim as much as possible.


3.     GoodDollar G$:


This is another UBI Sponsored by the etoro CEO. The Gooddollar is designed to be a Stablecoin in which 1Gooddoller will be equal to 1 US Dollar (1G$ = 1USD). The G$ is Claimable daily, Fresh registration earns 50G$ and also earn 100G$ it you invite other People to join.

Note: the current value of the coin is not up to 1cent. Claim as much as you can after every 24hours and invite new people to earn 100G$.


4.     My Universal Basic Income-MYUBI


MYUBI is also a DAO that gives out MYU Coin Daily.

The MYUBI is a revolutionary service that delivers a daily cryptocurrency income to your mobile phone device. It was created to help the poorer communities of the world by providing the coin daily to everyone especially those who need it the most.


5.     Basic Income Tokens (BITs):


Basic Income Token is an attempt at basic income. Each user who is signed up for the service receives 100 BITs each day. No additional BITs can be created with time or resources.

Additional BITs can temporarily be generated through referrals at the rate of 500 BITs per referral. After 5,000,000 users have been reached these bonuses will disappear and income generation will be the sole source of new BITs.


Above are 5 legitimate way you get money from DAO through UBI system of Distribution.



Sabitu Yunusa

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